Sunday, March 27, 2011

Taste Buds

            Food has predominantly four types of taste: sweet, salty, bitter, and sour.  These tastes influence what we are willing to eat.  I do not like bitter but sour, bring it on.  Then there is also contrast in flavors, which is the way I like to cook. 
            The difference in taste preference brings me to the subject of taste buds.  Conversations about taste buds are ongoing in my family.  It usually starts when someone suddenly decides they will not eat something that they ate when they were younger.  Then it is about how taste buds change as you grow older.  Much of my experimenting has been met with mixed results due to the taste buds of the eater.
            Despite the taste changes, there always seems to be one dislike that stays with you from childhood.  No matter how old you get, you still do not want to eat it.  Mine is asparagus.  It has been suggested to me that I have simply not had asparagus fresh enough to appreciate it.  I know this is not true as Daddy grew it in his garden.  His routine was to start the steamer on the stove, run to the garden, cut the asparagus, and immediately put it in the steamer upon returning to the kitchen.  I do not know how much fresher the asparagus could get.  He was also very particular about the doneness.  It had to be just right.
            Take the time to truly taste your food.  Trust your taste buds, and figure out what you like.