Monday, August 13, 2012

Some Do Not Like It Hot

          I don’t know about where you live, but our weather has been so hot. It got the point that I turned on the air conditioning in my house for the first time since it was installed 12 years ago. With all the heat we have not felt much like eating. Our dinner these days has become a fruit smoothie.

1 cup Fat Free Plain Yogurt
Note: Soy and lactose free yogurts are available in stores as a replacement for regular yogurt.
1 cup Orange Juice
Enough Fresh and/or Frozen Fruit to fill blender carafe
Note: The fruit can be any variety you like. Every time I make a smoothie the fruit combination is different. Some of our favorites are pineapple, strawberries, and frozen tropical blends.

1. Put Yogurt and Orange Juice in blender carafe.
2. Add fruit until it fills to about an inch below the top edge of the carafe. 
3. Blend until smooth and serve.  With a 5 cup carafe I am able to fill around four 12 oz. glasses.

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